Areian Archer
Copyediting and Wordsmithery
I originally wandered down this rabbit hole due to my voracious appetite for reading material. After exhausting all the local dollar bookstores, I turned to Amazon to help support my habit. At 4-7 books per week, it was just not feasible to spend $10-18 apiece at a conventional bookstore. Enter the amazing Kindle and its vast array of free, one-dollar, and Kindle Unlimited books (insert angelic choir here).
I quickly learned some easy tricks for weeding out the worst of the lot, but even then, the sheer volume of spelling, punctuation, grammatical, word-usage, tense, and point-of-view mistakes was enough to make me despair for the future of the English language. Repeatedly reading that the main character was “nonplussed” - when he was clearly quite the opposite - was enough to make a person do a face-palm.
So I thought to myself, why not use this odd super-power of mine to make the world a better (or at least more cogent) place?
Hard at work, tirelessly looking for typos.